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Sund hand and body soap bar at Agzu store
Sund hand and body soap bar at Agzu store
Sund hand and body soap bar at Agzu store
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  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Sund hand and body soap bar at Agzu store
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Sund hand and body soap bar at Agzu store

Sund sápa | Sund soap

Regular price
1.912 kr
Sale price
1.912 kr
Regular price
2.390 kr
Sold out
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Sund hand og líkamssápa - Sedrusvið, Rósmarín, Lavender, Íslenskt sjávarsalt

“Fullkomin blanda af kvíða og streitu létti”

Soypa hefur skapað takmarkaða útgáfu af sápum, með mynstrum úr íslenskri náttúru. Sund gefur frískandi tilfinningar þess að synda í hafinu, vegna aukningar salt blöndunnar í sápunni. Hönnunin sækir innblástur til ljósmynda af jökulsárlónum.

Sund hand og líkamssápa er blanda rósmaríns, sem hefur jákvæð áhrif á minni, sedrusviður og lavender. Sund sápan er tilvalin fyrir erfiðan dag, til slökunar og til afeitrunar. Hver einasta sápa er einstök, í þyngd og hönnun. Enn fremur eru nýtt efni sem hafa mýkjandi og endurnærandi áhrif á húðina. Umbúðir eru endurnýttar, með skemmtilegum staðreyndum tengt þema sápunnar. Sund sápan er óháð dýra rannsóknum. Handgerð  í Hollandi.

Plöntu basi | Laust við pálmolíu | Lífræn hráefni |
Plastlaust | Án dýrarannsókna.

    Öryggis athugasemd

    • Ef óvissa ríkir á notkun sápu vegna þungunnar eða ofnæmis, vinsamlegast hafið samband við lækni áður en varan er notuð.
    • Alltaf geyma sápu á þurrum stað


    Sund soap - Cedarwood, Rosemary, Lavender, Icelandic sea salt

    " A perfect combination for stress and anxiety relief" 

    Soypa brand created a limited edition of soaps with patterns "taken" from Icelandic nature. Sund, meaning swimming in Icelandic, gives you the experience of swimming in the ocean without freezing, as it contains an extra amount of dissolved Icelandic salt. The design was inspired by the aerial photos of a glacier river flowing into the ocean.

    Sund hand and body soap bar is a combination of rosemary, well known for enhancing memory, mixed with cedarwood and lavender. Sund soap is perfect before a busy day to relax and detoxify the skin. Every soap bar is unique varying in design and weight. Moreover, carefully selected organic*, plant-based ingredients have a skin-nourishing and regenerative effect. Recycled paper packaging has an environmental fact written related to the soap theme. Sund soap is not tested on animals nor contains any animal-origin ingredients. Handmade in the Netherlands.

    Plant-based | Palm-oil free | Organic ingredients | Plastic-free | Not tested on animals

      Safety and using advice:

      • In case of pregnancy, potential allergies, or any other condition, consult with your doctor before using the product. 
      • Always keep the soap in a dry place after use.


      Customer Reviews

      Based on 3 reviews

      Very good soap. Works well on my hands and they are not dry afterwards. Plus the natural ingredients and lack of palm oil increase my love for it. I recommend!


      Great product! This soap smells and looks amqizing. Love it!

      Anne-Sophie Galy-Gasparrou

      This soap is awesome and plant-based ingredients! After using it my skin is really soft!
      The design is really nice and show very well the Icelandic nature. It look very beautiful in my bathroom!