Webshop based in Iceland. Contact the store for international shipping ✈️🌍

Skilmálar og skilyrði | Terms and conditions

(English below)

Upplýsingar um fyrirtækið

Agzu ehf
Kt: 650121-1710
Heimilisfang: Hlíðarfæti 17 
                     102 Reykjavik
VSK: 140076
Netfang: info@agzu.is


Verðin í Agzu eru einungis í ISK með 24% VAT, en sendingarkostnaði er bætt á verð áður en gengið er frá sölu. Agzu ehf. tileinkar sér réttinn til að breyta kostnaði vara án fyrirvara. Auk þess er okkur heimilt að hætta við sölu á vöru ef kostnaður á vefsíðunni er ekki í samræmi við raunverulegan kostnað.  


Vefsíða Agzu býður upp á valkosti varðandi greiðslur, hvað varðar debetkort, kreditkort eða banka millifærslur. Allar greiðslur fara í  gegnum örugga greiðslusíðu Valitor og Netgiró. Hægt er að greiða með eftirfarandi kortum: VISA/ MASTERCARD. Agzu geymir ekki korta upplýsingar.  

Ef greitt er með banka millifærslu, vinsamlegast gefið fram pöntunar númer og reikningsnúmer.
Reikningsnúmer Agzu er 0133-26-001933, KT. 650121-1710

Allar vörur eru eign Agzu þangað til gengið er frá greiðslu innan 24 klukkustunda. Ef greiðsla er ekki frágengin innan þess tímaramma er hætt við söluna.  


Sendingar fyrir alla aðra landshluta fer í gegnum Íslandspóst.

Íslandspóstur býður upp á sendingu í Póstbox, Pakkaport, Póst eða heim. Sendingarverð miðast við heildarþyngd pöntunar viðskiptavinar og hvert varan er send á landinu. Sendingarverðið er reiknað á útskráningarsíðunni.
Þú getur athugað áætlað sendingarverð hér.

Kaupanda gefst einnig kostur á að sækja pöntun frítt á heimilisfangið sem gefið er upp í tölvupósti eftir nánara samkomulagi. 


Agzu leggur sig fram til að ganga frá pöntunum innan við þrjá vinnudaga. Ef varan er ekki i lager verður haft samband við viðskiptavin með frekari upplýsinga.


Pantanir eru sendar af Agzu verslun. Viðskiptavinir hafa 24 klukkustundir til að hafa samband við verslun til að tilkynna skemmdir eða vandamál sem áttu sér stað í sendingarferlinu. Eftir þær 24 klukkustundir verður ekki tekið við kvörtunum.  

Allar sendingar fara í gegnum Íslandspóst. 

Allar sendingar sem sendar eru með Íslandspósti eru háðar reglum Íslandspóstið varðandi afhendingu, tryggingar og flutning vöru. Allar þessar upplýsingar eru á vefsíðu Íslandspóst. Vegna þessa, er Agzu ehf ekki ábyrgt fyrir tapi eða skemmdum sem eiga sér stað í sendingu.  

Taka þarf fram að Agzu ehf er ekki ábyrgt ef greitt fyrir heimsendingar í pósthúsi, en Íslandspóstur kemur vörum ekki til dyra, einhverra hluta vegna.  


Ef óánægja er með vöru, vinsamlegast hafið samband við info@agzu.is 

Vörur frá vefsíðu Agzu er hægt að skila innan við 14 daga, fyrir fulla endurgreiðslu. Einungis er endurgreitt samkvæmt strimli, óháð sendingarkostnaði.  

Ákveðnum vörum er ekki hægt að skila - vörur fyrir persónulega umönnun, t.d. sápur og skartgripi.  

Vörur á útsölu er ekki hægt að skila né skipta.  

Einungis er hægt að skila vörum ef þær eru enn í óskemmdum umbúðum. Varan þarf að vera ónotuð, í fullkomnu ástandi, annars verður skil ekki samþykkt. Ef búið er að opna umbúðir er ekki hægt að skila vöru. Nauðsynlegt er að sýna kvittun eðu pönntunarnúmer. Eftir skil gæti tekið allt að 10 daga að fá fulla endurgreiðslu. Ef greitt var með debetkorti eða kreditkorti verður endurgreitt inn á þau kort.  

Gallaðar vörur 

Ef vara er gölluð er hægt að skipta henni út fyrir nýja eða svipaða vöru, eða fá fulla endurgreiðslu. Viðskiptavinur verður að senda vöruna til baka, til að fá nýja, og allur sendingarkostnaður verður greiddur af Agzu.  

Vinsamlegast hafið samband við info@agzu.is varðandi gallaðar vörur.  


Okkur hjá Agzu er annt um persónuvernd og einstaklings öryggi. Persónulegar upplýsingar eru einungis notaðar til afgreiðslu, og eru þeim upplýsingum aldrei komið til þriðja aðila.   


Allar yfirlýsingar fyrir ofan eru í samráði við íslensk lög. 




Information about the company

Agzu ehf
Kt: 650121-1710
Adress: Hlíðarfæti 17 
           102 Reykjavik
VSK number: 140076
email: info@agzu.is

Product price

All prices at Agzu store are in Icelandic krónur (ISK) and stated with 24% VAT, but shipping costs are added before payment is made

Agzu ehf reserves the right to change prices without notice. In addition, Agzu ehf has the right to cancel orders if the price of the product is incorrectly listed in the online store.

The store offers worldwide shipping.

Payments options

Agzu online store offers the choice of paying by debit card, credit card, bank transfer or Netgíró. All card payments go through Valitor or Netgíró secure payment page. The buyer can pay using the following cards: VISA / MASTERCARD.
We ensure that Agzu store does not accept or store card information.

If the buyer wishes to pay by bank transfer, please provide the order number or invoice number.

Bank account number: 0133-26-001933
Kt. 650121-1710

Products that are sold are the property of the seller until the buyer will pay the purchase price in full to Agzu ehf account within 24 hours. If payment is not received within that time, the order will be canceled.

Shipping cost 

Shipping price in the whole country, delivery by Íslandspóst:

Íslandspóstur offers sending delivery to Póstbox, Pakkaport, Post Office or home.
Shipping delivery prices are based on the total weight of the customer's order and where the product is shipped to in Iceland.
The shipping price is calculated on the check-out page.
You can check estimated shipping price here.

Buyer has also the opportunity to pick up an order for free at the address given in the e-mail by further agreement.


Agzu store will make an effort to ensure that the order will be processed in working daysIf the product is not available, we will contact the customer regarding the estimated delivery time of the product. 


Orders are delivered by Íslandspóst.

Orders sent by Íslandspóst are subject to Íslandspóst's delivery, warranty, transport terms for the delivery of the product. This information can be accessed on Íslandsspóstur's website. According to this, Agzu ehf is not responsible for lost shipments or damage that may occur to goods in transit.

We would like to emphasize that Agzu store does not take responsibility in a case when payment for home delivery by Post Office is paid but Íslandspóst does not send it to the door.


If for any reason you are not satisfied with the products purchased please contact us via the email address: info@agzu.is

Products in the online store can be returned or exchanged 14 days, after the purchase date, for a full refund. The return of a product is based on its original price according to the receipt. Shipping costs are non-refundable. 

Certain types of items cannot be returned - personal care goods (such as soap products) and jewelry.

Sale items can not be exchanged or returned.

The product can only be returned or replaced if it is in the original undamaged packaging. The product must be unused, in perfect condition otherwise it will not be accepted.

All unsealed products cannot be returned.

You must include a copy of your receipt or invoice number.

After receiving your return, it might take up to 10 days to receive your refund.
If the product was paid for with a debit card or credit card, only the same card will be refunded.

Faulty product

In the event of a defect in the product, customers can get a new or similar product instead. The defective product can be refunded if requested. The customer must send back the defective product to the store if requested, subsequently, the new product will be sent. We pay for all shipping costs in question.

Please contact us at info@agzu.is with an explanation of product defects.

Privacy statement

The Agzu online store cares about the privacy and the security of individuals.
The company puts great emphasis on privacy and protection of customer’s personal data. We ensure that the information will not be passed on to the third person under any circumstances unless required to do so by law. Personal data will only be used to fulfill the order.


All provisions of the above terms are in accordance with Icelandic law.



We use Íslandspóst services for shipping our products internationally.

Shipping cost

Shipping delivery prices are based on the total weight of the customer's order and where the product is shipped to (country).

The shipping price is calculated on the check-out page.

You can check estimated shipping price here.

All deliveries are subject to duties and taxes according to the receiving country’s laws. These charges are not included in the shipping cost.


Agzu store will make an effort to ensure that the order will be processed in the next business day. The maximum order processing time is 3 business days. If the product is not available, we will contact the customer regarding the estimated delivery time of the product.


If for any reason you are not satisfied with the products purchased please contact us via the email address: info@agzu.is

Products in the online store can be returned 30 days, after the purchase date, for a full refund. The return of a product is based on its original price according to the receipt. Shipping costs are non-refundable. Costumer needs to cover the postage and any relevant duty costs.

You can use any postal service for the return.

Recommended to mark the parcel as 'returned goods' to avoid being charged any duties.

Certain types of items cannot be returned - personal care goods such as soap and jewelry.

Sale items can not be exchanged or returned.

The product can only be returned or replaced if it is in the original undamaged packaging. The product must be unused, in perfect condition otherwise it will not be accepted.

All unsealed products cannot be returned.

You must include a copy of your receipt or invoice number.

After receiving your return, it might take up to 10 days to receive your refund.
If the product was paid for with a debit card or credit card, only the same card will be refunded.

Faulty product

In the event of a defect in the product, customers can get a new or similar product instead. The defective product can be refunded if requested. The customer must send back the defective product to the store if requested, subsequently, the new product will be sent. We pay for all shipping costs in question.

Please contact us at info@agzu.is with an explanation of product defects.