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Highlands hand and body soap bar at Agzu store
Highlands hand and body soap bar at Agzu store
Highlands hand and body soap bar at Agzu store
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  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Highlands hand and body soap bar at Agzu store
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Highlands hand and body soap bar at Agzu store

Highlands sápa | Highlands soap

Regular price
1.912 kr
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1.912 kr
Regular price
2.390 kr
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Only 5 left in stock.

Highlands sápa - Heimskauta Blóðberg, Íslenskt sjávarsalt

“Sæktu í galdra heim hálendisins með þessari sápu úr jurtum frá íslenskri náttúru”

Soypa hefur skapað takmarkaða útgáfu af sápum, með mynstrum úr íslenskri náttúru. Hálendið er innri hluti Íslands, þar sem má finna eldfjöll, jökla og gufandi jarðhitalaugar. Um sumarið litar heimskauta blóðberg jörð Íslands bleikt, einnig um hálendið.

Highlands hand og líkamssápa er ætlað fyrir fólk með viðkvæma húð, eða þá sem hafa ofnæmi. Blóðberg virkar gegn bakteríum sem valda húðbólum og óþægindum, og verndar húð frá öldrun og roða. Kaolin leir mýkir viðkvæma húð, hreinsar óhreinindi og eykur blóðflæði. Hver einasta sápa er einstök, í þyngd og hönnun. Enn fremur eru nýtt efni sem hafa mýkjandi og endurnærandi áhrif á húðina. Umbúðir eru endurnýttar, með skemmtilegum staðreyndum tengt þema sápunnar. Highlands sápan er óháð dýra rannsóknum. Handgerð í Hollandi.

Plant-based | Palm-oil free | Organic ingredients | Plastic-free | Not tested on animals

    Öryggis athugasemd

    • Ef óvissa ríkir á notkun sápu vegna þungunnar eða ofnæmis, vinsamlegast hafið samband við lækni áður en varan er notuð.
    • Alltaf geyma sápu á þurrum stað


    Highlands soap - Arctic thyme powder, Icelandic sea salt ~80g

    "Move to the magical inner part of Iceland with plant-based ingredients soap bar" 

    Soypa brand created a limited edition of soaps with patterns "taken" from Icelandic nature. Highlands are the inner part of Iceland with amazing volcanos, glaciers, and steamy geothermal areas. During the summer arctic thyme colors the ground around Iceland in pink patches, including the Highlands.

    Highlands hand and body soap bar is intended for people who have sensitive skin or are prone to allergies. Arctic thyme is effective against the bacteria causing acne and irritation and protects the skin from premature aging and redness. Kaolin clay soothes sensitive skin, cleanses impurities, and promotes skin blood circulation. Every soap bar is unique varying in design and weight. Moreover, carefully selected organic*, plant-based ingredients have a skin-nourishing and regenerative effect. Recycled paper packaging has an environmental fact written related to the soap theme. Highlands soap is not tested on animals nor contains any animal-origin ingredients. Handmade in the Netherlands

    Plant-based | Palm-oil free | Organic ingredients | Plastic-free | Not tested on animals

       Safety and using advice:

      • In case of pregnancy, potential allergies, or any other condition, consult with your doctor before using the product. 
      • Always keep the soap in a dry place after use.


        Customer Reviews

        Based on 1 review
        Agnieszka Winiarska

        Perfect way to star a day-smells refreshingly. "Less is more" and that product definitely makes you aware of this statement. Besides is brilliant as a gift for your family!